

Jun 11, 2024

Letter: Sullivan Arena priorities

When was the last time you attended an event at the Sullivan Arena? Was it an Aces game? A Great Alaska Shootout event? A trade show?The Aces are gone, and so is the Great Alaska Shootout, and the past few home and boat shows have been at the Dena’ina Center. So what exactly is the Sullivan going to host this winter that is more important than housing a large number of homeless people?

Are we really so callous as to prioritize first-world entertainment options over our second-class citizens living in developing-country conditions?

The last time a “big bubble tent” made the local news was “The Dome” collapsing a few winters back.

A society is judged by how it treats its least fortunate. After this administration’s handing out of the cheapest tents at the beginning of summer, fumbling instructions on where to camp and bungling basic social services, I say we deserve an F.

— Brian MacMillanAnchorage

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